
Learn to build modern architectures using microservices.

Microservice architectures are the way forward for the enterprise. They promise nearly unlimited scalability, and allow for the business agility needed to meet the demands of exploding information and rapid innovation in technology. But to succeed at building distributed reactive microservice systems, architects and developers need to learn a different way of thinking about services.

About Objects can help you put your organization's microservices projects in high gear with world-class training offerings led by our expert practitioners. We're deeply experienced in helping development teams transition to new paradigms. That's why for over a decade, we've been able to help developers from major organizations such as Marriott, Red Bull, the NFL, and Cerner get up to speed quickly on the latest technologies.

Learn from the Experts


Scala Programming

Scala Programming

2 Days


A rapid introduction to the basics of Scala programming. This course is designed to get you up to speed on the language features you'll need for building distributed microservice systems. Provides deep insight into the Scala standard library, along with some of the more challenging aspects of working with features such as closures, partial functions, traits, case classes, implicit conversions, futures, and functional programming.

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Microservices Development: Comprehensive

Microservices Development: Comprehensive

5 Days


A comprehensive introduction to the design and development of reactive, event-driven, actor-based, RESTful microservice systems using Scala, Akka, and Lagom.

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Microservices Development: Bootcamp

Microservices Development: Bootcamp

7 Days


An intensive, 7-day introduction to Scala programming and the design and development of reactive, event-driven, actor-based, RESTful microservice systems using Scala, Akka, and Lagom.

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Microservices Design

Microservices Design

2 Days


For anyone with knowledge of web services design. Covers the design of domain-driven, business event-based reactive systems and state-of-the-art REST APIs.

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Microservices Development

Microservices Development

3 Days


For Scala developers. Covers how to design and build reactive, event-driven, actor-based, RESTful microservice systems using Scala, Akka, and Lagom.

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